Facial Flex®
As seen on TV and featured in The Times. Turn back time naturally! Look younger and tone up your face, neck and chest in weeks with the Facial-Flex®! The Facial-Flex® is the clinically proven, cost-effective alternative to cosmetic surgery.
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Give yourself a natural facelift with this amazing gadget, which uses the proven principle of dynamic resistance exercise.
It works over 30 muscle groups in the face, chin, neck and chest, increasing muscle strength and skin tone, boosting blood circulation and helping to reduce a sagging jawline and double chin. Your face will look younger and firmer in a matter of weeks. Use it for just two minutes, twice a day, and you should start to notice an improvement in four to six weeks. How it works: The Facial-Flex® is based on the principle of repetitive exercise against increased resistance, just like fitness for the body, with an elastic band in the middle of the apparatus providing the resistance. There are three strengths of the band – 1 being the lightest and 3 the heaviest – enabling you to increase the resistance as you progress. Using it for two minutes twice a day is all it takes, and you should notice an improvement in four to six weeks. Easy to use and completely safe, the Facial-Flex® comes with full instructions, ten No. 1 bands and ten No. 2 bands.
Rosemary Conley’s experience of using Facial Flex®:
‘Facial Flex® is a facial exercise gadget which I use every day in an effort to hold my face together with my advancing years. I know how effective this little bit of kit is and I am evangelical about it.
‘It was originally created by a plastic/cosmetic surgeon who, after reconstructing the faces of burns victims, designed a gadget that would help to redevelop their facial muscles. The therapists who were demonstrating the gadget to the patients realised that day by day they were toning up their own faces and looking younger. Wonderfully, the product was then marketed for that very purpose.
‘I was sent a sample to try several years ago and I became an avid disciple of the product. It really does work. And it’s not surprising. If we exercise our arms and legs, they become stronger and more toned. Why not for our face? And it was learning from teaching exercise and using light weights and toning bands to make my muscles stronger that made me realise that if I increased the strength of the band used with my Facial Flex®, I could speed up the process and increase the effect on my facial muscles. And that is exactly what I have done.
‘If you are of a certain age and decide to treat yourself to a Facial Flex®, or already have one, you will want to start off with the No 1 strength of band, changing the band every week to maintain the strength. As soon as you run out of your No 1 bands, use the No. 2 bands. (both 1 and 2 bands are supplied with your Facial Flex®). When you feel ready, progress to the No. 3 band, which is what I use. You can order these at www.rosemaryconley.com/shop.
‘I did a Trial with some middle-aged women over a six month period, taking before and after photographs of their results. Some of these are shown on this page. These photographs have not been photo shopped in any way and are a genuine illustration of the increased muscle tone on the faces of my trialists.
‘Your Facial Flex® will tone up 30 different muscles from your cheek bones down to your chest. It will help to tone up your jowls, your double chin, your neck and your upper chest area. It will make your lips thicker too. I absolutely swear by it – and it is significantly cheaper and much safer than a face lift!’