Bowel Cancer UK - Step up for 30!

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Step up for 30 is back! It’s really simple, just get sponsored to do 30 minutes of physical activity every day for 30 days during June.

Exercise doesn’t just have to be about working out in a gym. You could walk, swim, dance, run, cycle, do yoga – the choice is yours! Choose the activity and the intensity to suit you.

It’s really easy to get involved, there are lots of creative ways you can get active during the month - doing squats while the kettle boils, taking the stairs rather than the lift, going for a walk during your lunch break, getting off the bus a stop early or even hula-hooping during the TV adverts!

Bowel cancer is the UK’s second biggest cancer killer but with your help, we can change that. Your support will help stop people dying of bowel cancer by funding vital services and life-saving research.

Click here to sign up to Step up for 30.

Over 41,200 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer every year in the UK. Scientists think around half (54 per cent) of all bowel cancers could be prevented by having a healthier lifestyle. You can reduce your risk by:

• consider what you are eating;
• eat plenty of fibre;
• eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day;
• avoid processed meats and have no more than 500g of red meat per week;
• keep active with regular exercise;
• keep hydrated and avoid drinks containing caffeine;
• know your alcohol limits and don’t smoke;
• know the symptoms of bowel cancer and act on them if you have any concerns;
• take part in the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in your area when you are invited. This involves completing a simple test that can help identify whether further investigation is necessary.

For more information on the importance of diet and exercise, click here strongly recommends that you consult with your medical practitioner before beginning any exercise program. Suitable footwear should always be worn when performing exercises.